The Information Report
All Walsall schools have a commitment, through their Information Report to meet the needs of their pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress in school. We are an inclusive school and aim to meet the needs of all pupils with an ECHP/disability where possible.
For admissions arrangements see our admissions page. All of our pupils have an EHCP identifying their disability/need.

At The Jane Lane School, we follow the same principles as any mainstream school but are resourced to provide a more highly specialised, multi-agency approach to support our pupils who have a wide range of learning difficulties.
This includes :-
- Access to a highly specialist, multi-agency team who support the individual needs of each pupil
- Highly favourable teacher-pupil ratio supported by well trained, experienced teaching assistants.
- A staff team that can facilitate small group/ individual pupil support including physical management, communication, and behavioural techniques.
- Specialist expertise in school ( Local Makaton Trainers, staff who have gained specialist post-graduate qualifications, teachers with Specialist Leadership and OFSTED inspection Expertise)
- Advanced behaviour management strategies Team Teach trainers de-escalation and Positive behaviour management Programmes
- On site administration of medication and guidance to meet individual medical needs, eating/ dietary programmes and monitoring of nutritional levels including Healthy schools status and parent support/open door policy, individualised programmes to meet specific personal care needs and support, signposting, liaising with other agencies
- Speech and Language Service support (twice weekly) to organise and monitor individual programmes delivered within the classroom setting by specialist trained staff.
- On site clinics including: paediatric consultant, School Nurse and incontinence team.
- Support from the Hearing/ Vision Impaired service
- Targeted intervention from Educational welfare and Educational psychologists

Access to a supportive learning environment
- Highly adapted curriculum access including Irresistible curriculum, behaviour and communication approaches
- Individualised reading programmes based on the Ruth Miskin approach
- Phased introduction to Walsall college including vocational and life skills qualifications and awards.
- Links with local mainstream schools for shared learning experiences
- Outstanding, safe outdoor learning environments
- Additional specialist input for Music and PE/swimming
- Extensive use of local and wider community resources
- Practical First Aid training to accreditation level is embedded into the school curriculum.
- Teacher/teacher assistant support throughout the lunch period to promote independence
- A wide range of lunchtime clubs
- Extensive use of ICT and latest technologies to support the curriculum and pupils learning (hand held tablets)
- Local Authority transport to and from school
- Prospective parent visits
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the “additional and different” arrangements- on progress and outcomes for pupils with SEN
- Achievement and progress analysis of SOLAR, IEP achievement analysis
- A wide range of accredited courses including: GCSE where appropriate, Entry and Pre-entry qualifications and awards
Access to strategies to reduce anxiety/ promote emotional well-being for parents/carers and pupils
- An open door policy that enables parents/carers to discuss any issues in the knowledge that they will be quickly sorted
- Regular communication with parents via a diary system or via telephone
- Regular reporting to parents through, IEPs, progress/ parent meetings, primary shared learning sessions, parent training opportunities and coffee mornings
- Safeguarding and welfare promoted through mentoring sessions, parental support and home visit
- A wide range of strategies are used to support pupils including: peer mentoring, buddy system and we have an active school council
- Individual and small group specialist relationships and sex education.
- Transition programmes before joining and upon leaving Jane Lane.
- Home visits for pupils who may not be able to attend school because of illness/surgery

- Building capacity- support for mainstream schools
- Offering CPD -inclusion in school based training sessions
- Supporting local schools to meet individual and group needs
- Specialised advice and support in the development of individual and small group relationships and sex education.
- Offering additional placements for teaching students requiring experience of children with special needs.